Our Journey to Rolloa

Rolloa was founded by a team of home decor designers, all living with their own posse of furry friends. We embarked on this journey to create a dog bed that checks all the boxes: functional, suitable for dogs of all ages, and exceptional design to reflect each dog's unique personality. The result? Rolloa—the epitome of canine comfort and style.

At Rolloa, we want to bring the beauty and design diversity of furniture to dog products. There are only uninspiring dog beds in the market that we felt disregarded the special one-of-a-kind personalities of our furry friends. Rolloa is still on the journey to achieve design forward pet beds so that dogs can roll over and lounge on too! We're excited to start this journey with you!

A dog bed so comfy, it'll get your pup thinking,

'Did my canine buddies design this?'

And here's the final stamp of approval:
Our beloved office dog, Fenya, personally vouches for the Rollo Bed's excellence!